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Join TMGPS! is the official home of The Manual Gearbox Preservation Society. A community of car enthusiasts dedicated to the analog driving experience. 

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What is

As we trend toward an increasingly automated driving experience, it's vital we preserve and celebrate our bond with the automobile and protect our right to the open road. The car is an expression of liberty and freedom like no other. Its significance to our culture is profound.

The Manual Gearbox Preservation Society started as a t-shirt, a sort of satirical statement about the state of the automobile, and an opportunity for driving enthusiasts to express their love for driving manuals. Over the past five years, that t-shirt has started thousands of conversations between strangers and can be found at pretty much any car show in the world. Over 100,000 people have joined the movement on Facebook. The dialog and enthusiasm from such a passionate group of people is both amazing and humbling. is the next logical step in our progression as an organization. serves as a hub where we can organize our thoughts and ideas, as well as share our love for cars and driving. 

Visit the about page for more!

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TMGPS GEAR at The Curb Shop



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